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16S CPR RR WATCH "Click" to Login or Register 
Here is a very nice 16 size Model 1908 Waltham Canadian Pacific Railroad pocket watch. The serial number is 22294106 in a run from 22294001-200 according to the Waltham Pocket Watch Identification and Price Guide of 1976 by Roy Ehrhardt. The Price Guide to Watches Vol. NO 23 rates this movement as a 3 STAR which translates to VERY FEW. In the Canadian Pacific RR Pocket Watches the 16 size movement is much more scarce than the 18 size movement.
I have an 18 size Canadian Pacific RR watch also and these are a favorite part of my collection. There is something magic about the Canadian Rail Road to me. Maybe it is the beautiful countryside that this railroad traverses. Smile

Phil Dellinger

A nice CPR Police Badge with the collection. Smile

Phil; Now we need a picture of the dial!
Phil Dellinger

CANADIAN RAIL book from 1980 with Canadian Pacific Railroad information.

Page 246 of the Canadian Rail book. Notice the dial and hands are identical to my watch.

IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
beatiful watch phil..love the waltham watches ..

i think the canadian dials and movements are beauitful railroad watches and your,s is a very nice example..
Picture of Jim McKinney
Hey, Phil . . .

I recently acquired sn 22155931 (22155800-22156000) which is virtually identical to yours except that it is cased in a very similar (but for the triple hinge) Cashier Extra (Canadian) case. Certainly not it's twin or even a bother or sister, but perhaps a closely related cousin - eh ??

btw, in a rather cursory manual search of the serial numbers, I only found three additionl runs totaling another 750 for a grand total of only 1,150 produced.

Yours & mine are the only two that I've personally seen in the 16s.


How about taking some pictures of your 16 size CPR watch and adding it to this thread?
Picture of Jim McKinney
Phil -

I wish I could - but - I don't have my camera with me at the moment & I'm on my way out-of-town for a few days. I'll try to get something up asap upon my return . . .
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