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Private-label Riverside Maximus "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jerry Treiman
I recently acquired this one -- a 19-jewel ladies 0-size Riverside Maximus. It has a gold gear train, diamond endstone on the balance wheel and a simple finish for this private-label watch. Bigelow Kennard & Co., a high-end Boston jeweler, also specified a whiplash regulator and their own patented recoiling click.

Picture of Jerry Treiman
This is what the watch looks like from the front. The 14K case is marked for the jeweler.

Picture of R. J. Lucke

Nice example of a rarely seen private label. Thanks for posting the pictures.


Rhett Lucke

IHC Life Member
Or, in my case, never seen example. Smile Super watch Jerry

Picture of Jerry Treiman
Another point of interest about this watch:
The patent for the recoiling click is a British patent from 1904 assigned to Bigelow Kennard & Co. For several years these private label watches (12-size and smaller) were the only Walthams with a recoiling click until Waltham developed their own recoiling click in 1909. I plan to publish a short article for the Bulletin on this topic.

Picture of R. J. Lucke

Bill Tapp had 1 or 2 examples with the subject click on display at the Denver regional.


Rhett Lucke

Picture of Jerry Treiman
Yes, Bill has shared pictures of his examples with me - an 0-size and a 12-size Riverside Maximus. I will post a picture of a 12-size later this evening.
Picture of Jim McKinney
Here's my Colonial Series, 12s with "Waltham Recoiling Click" - circa 1908 . . . note serial number in ad vs. my example.

My Colonial Series
Picture of Jerry Treiman
Here is a 12-size 23-jewel Riverside Maximus for Bigelow Kennard & Co. I would love to hear about examples of this private label that anyone else has come across, with particular attention to the case.

Picture of Jerry Treiman
This is another private-label 0-size Riverside Maximus that was on eBay a few years ago. It retains the Riverside Maximus label, in addition to the jewelers name. Note that, although the serial number is a couple-million higher than the Bigelow Kennard version, this still has a non-recoiling click.

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