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Dollar Watches "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall

What a wonderful collection! Thanks for posting the great pictures. Sure hope I can make it to Epsom some day to see it in person and shake your hand for all you've done for the members of this chapter.
Nice collection Brian, you have a lot of watches, do they all work?
One of our ch 111 members collects westclox watches also.
I have a number of dollar watches, but try to keep those that are early mfg, extra nice condition, or unique in some way. I post pix of several

The first one is a 1930' Ingersoll. I have kept it because of the pristine condition.

Ingersoll PW
The next one is a New Haven "Elm City" that is in very nice shape

Elm City
The next is another New Haven. This one, from the style, is probably from the teens.

New Haven
And finally, for tonight, an Ansonia, probably from the teens or the 1920's.

Picture of Jerry Treiman
I am not sure when this "Waterbury Special" is from, or when Waterbury called themselves "The Connecticut Watch Co." [I just opened the back of the case and the movement is marked Ingersoll Watch Co., with a couple of 1922 patent dates. The serial number is 86,556,653]. It is NOS, but handled a bit and the box edges are torn. The Guarantee is in the next post.

Picture of Jerry Treiman
Waterbury Special guarantee, including use and care instructions, from the Connecticut Watch Co.

Picture of Brian C.
Tom Huber,
If you look closly at my drawer of watches, you will see a couple of redish boxes for the Elm City. The directions and guarantee are printed on the bottom of the box.
Brian C.
Picture of Brian C.
Originally posted by John D. Duvall:

What a wonderful collection! Thanks for posting the great pictures. Sure hope I can make it to Epsom some day to see it in person and shake your hand for all you've done for the members of this chapter.

That would be great John. A good time to come
would be when we have a big auction. This is the area to be in for those. We could also take a ride to Waltham Ma. and I could give you a tour of the city and visit the Holy Shrine (Waltham Watch Co.). Then you could see first hand where Glyn's watch came from. There are also a couple of nice museums there as well.
Brian C.
Hi Brian, Now that I looked real closely at your items, I do see the Elm City boxes. Your collection is marvelous. Dollar watches can make for a very nice affordable collection for a new collector.

Something that I have noticed about dollar watches is that the older ones really had some substance to them. If you hold an older Westclox, Ingersoll, etc in your hand, they had some weight to them. This is unlike a modern Westclox which only weighs a coule of ounces.

Picture of Brian C.
Your right Tom and the newer Westclox have plastic gears. What a shame.
Picture of Brian C.
Thanks Kevin, yes they all work but I wouldn't want to time a train with some of them.
Brian C.
Yes Brian, i guess they are not the best time keepers, but cool to collect anyways.
I have a few of them a sir leeds and a westclox and asmiths , they work but i dont use them much.
Picture of Tom Seymour
I came across some dollar watches by the Aristocrat Clock Co. But, when I popped open the back, I found that they were Ingrahams. In the Ingraham book, I did not notice any mention of Aristocrat Clock Co., yet the "Jockey" model is shown there with the Ingrahams.

Can you shed any light on this arrangement?


Picture of Tom Seymour
The movements.


Picture of Tom Seymour
The movement marks.


Picture of Tom Seymour
The company mark on the box.


Picture of Brian C.
I can't find anything on The Aristocrat Clock Co. My guess is that it was a store or someone selling mail order watches, had the boxes made up. I have one signed Leonard on the dial and Leonard Watch Co., Boston, Mass. on the box. It is a New Haven Watch. I believe years ago I traced it back to a store on Washington St. in Boston.
Nice pictures.
Brian C.
Picture of Tom Seymour
Here is another dollar watch to throw into the mix. This one has an interesting way to display seconds.


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