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E.Howard & Co. J-size "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jerry Treiman
As a collector of 12-size watches I have been looking for a long time for a nice, complete example of E.Howard's J-size, the first 12-size watch marketed for men in this country. Elgin and Waltham had a few odd listed 12-size watches in the 1860s and '70s, but I believe that these were just large ladies watches during that era when a man's watch was primarily 18-size. It wasn't until 1892 that E. Howard offered a new watch "for gentlemen", "very thin, of small size, beautifully proportioned". [Waltham made their first "1894-model" 12-size movement in 1896 and Elgin followed a year later]. This "J" size has a particularly nice finish which made it difficult to capture both the markings and the damasceening in one photo. [Thanks Clint].

IHC Member 179
E. Howard Expert
Picture of Harold Visser
Nice damaskeening on that little beauty, Jerry.
IHC Life Member
So, how long did it take you Jerry to find this watch? I want to know so I know how long it'll take me.Smile Beautiful watch.

IHC Member 25
IHC Life Member (L6)
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