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Elgin Watch Baseball Shirt "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jack Davis
I picked this up at an auction yesterday along with some other Elgin stuff.


Elgin Watch Collector
Is it an old shirt? If so, how old do you think it is?

I know that the factory used to have a lot of sports teams, but it wouldn't suprise me if there were local teams that would use a shirt like that today...

The Elgin Watch Collectors Website
Picture of Jack Davis

I don't know exactly how old it is. I am not aware of any local sports teams using shirts like this.

This was part of an estate auction and was part of a box lot that included felt or wool spats, some soft detachable shirt collars and stiff, cardboard shirt cuffs.

I know the auctioneer pretty well and am going to find out if he knows anything about the family. Also, Mike Alft, who is an Elgin historian, makes an appearance once a month on a local show called "Remembering Elgin." I might run it by him to see what he knows.

BTW, I understand that Alft has written a history of the Elgin National Watch Company that is due out this fall.

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