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Grandfather's Watch "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
In 1898 my grandfather went to fight in the Spanish-American war. He never got to Cuba, but he got a nice watch.The story goes; Someone in his company was a watchmaker or jeweler and painted the dial for him.Granddad always had the watch with him, and would go around town and set all the clocks in the stores and barber shops. He was always glad to show his watch to anyone who asked to see it.
A nice B.W.Raymond in a plain hunter case, but not so plain inside.
Face reads: Frank W. Ford Co. F 12th Minn. Vol Inf 1898 with US and Cuban Flags

IHC Life Member
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IHC Life Member

IHC Life Member
This is what got me interested in watches.
Lets see some more personalized faces!

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Picture of Tom Brown
Nice watch Steven & great history with it.

This is from Minnesota in the Spanish-American War and the Philippine insurrection 1923

IHC Life Member
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the info. I did not know the date he enlisted or was promoted. After Camp Ramsey, I believe he went to Georgia and got sick while training there. By the time he was released from the hospital the war was almost over.

Thanks again,
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