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Carved Marble Case "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Tom Seymour
I saw this case at our local repair shop and thought some might be interested is seeing it.

The case is a one-of-a-kind hand carved marble case. The person who brought it to the shop said his grandfather carved it. It had been sitting under the bed for at least forty years.

The case has never held a movement, and that was what brought the person to bring it to the shop. It will be fitted with some mechanism, dial and hands so that it can be put out in the open and be functional.

I think being out from under the bed is a great first step in appreciating the skills of this talented grandfather. I thought some of you would enjoy seeing it also.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.

Picture of Tom Seymour
picture 2

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.

Picture of Tom Seymour
picture 3

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.

Beautiful case Tom, and great pictures too.This case is a one of it,s kind, i bet there won,t be many more like it.I have not seen anything like this before.I wonder what kind of movement they would put in it?
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