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Elgin Empire Down Under "Click" to Login or Register 
I've been working on what can only be called an Elgin Empire down under (Australia) for the under a year.

it all started off with the Parisiennes from 1928 - 1933(I've added a few more since this photo).

Then the 760 (30 Jewels) / 761 (27 Jewels) caught my eye

Then the stylings of the 50's with the Clubmans (left is the Black Dialed Clubman, Middle is the Clubwoman, right is the only known solid gold Clubman to exist)

This gem which is the Lord Elgin Saturn which is pretty scarce and looks far from the price guide image

another gem being the 50 Millionth Anniversary Edition with its Silver case

Then I found out about the horizon styling from the late 50's into the early 60s, these feature crystals that wrap around the bezel

I've also been collecting alot of dials, this one being very special as it commemorates the end of manufacturing by ENWC in 1968

I've just added a H.Z. Culver in the 3XXX range which is off having a day spa with the watch maker.

Feel free to quiz me on any of the watches displayed.

Picture of Dave Turner
Welcome aboard IHC. You'll find a lot of helpful folks here.
If I may make one suggestion. This forum requires smaller pictures due to the limitations of some download speeds and monitor sizes.
There are many helpful suggestions here if you do a search for sizing photos, etc.

I love your Elgin collection. I've been researching the Elgin wristwatch line lately myself.

Here's an example of your first picture which I reduced in size.

Dave Turner

IHC Life Member
Picture of Ethan Lipsig
Michael, assembling this collection in less than a year is a a remarkable feat. What else do you collect?
Just watches. My wife collects powder compacts and I was needing a hobby, so got stuck into watches as they are vast in range and small in storage with the added bonus of being able to use them. I can always justify another watch as they are useful unlike the powder compacts which I've yet to see taken out for a day...

With the images, they are shared elsewhere so I can't resize those ones but I will ensure the future ones will be smaller in size.

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