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BRT 'RIBBON' "Click" to Login or Register 
Picked this up about a week ago at a local auction house.....

cannot take an image of the 'whole' thing and get details....

Maybe Larry B. Can provide history....

Ribbon rear, black color
the front side is not very clean, but still shows well.

here is bottom of it

medallion attached to ribbon on front side

top of ribbon

the neatest thing is the clip that holds it all and attaches to clothing.....
such detail...

sure wish we could load multiple images in one post.....

IHC Life Member
RR Watch Expert
Picture of Ed Ueberall
My understanding ( and perhaps Larry can correct me if I am wrong) is that the multicolored side was worn when attending Brotherhood meetings or conventions. The black ribbon side was worn while attending the funeral of a Brother.
Thanks for showing us such a nice example. Smile

Ed Ueberall
NAWCC 49688
IHC Member 34
The Escapement
Railway Historian
IHC Life Member
Site Moderator
Picture of Larry Buchan
Terry a nice ribbon from Harrisburg Lodge No. 383, these ribbons were made by the Whitehead & Hoag Company of New Jersey from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. They made them for lodges and orders of the railroad brotherhoods and other organizations like the Masonic orders, and Odd Fellows,. As Ed said they were used with the colored side out for parades, and conventions. And the reversible black side was used for attending funerals of brothers who had passed away, which was quite common back in those days. I have quite a collection of these ribbons from Canada and the United States, if you ever ran across another one I would be interested as I don't have one from Harrisburg.

Larry Buchan

IHC Charter Member 28
IHC Life Member (L7)
Watch Repair Expert
I think it's interesting the way the ribbon is stamped "B of R T," while the circular medallion is stamped "B of RR T."

I guess the company who made the medallion threw in an extra "R" free of charge!

I have a couple of those around here somewhere as well. I think one is from the Knights of Pythias, and the other from the Woodmen of the World, but at the moment, I have no idea where either of them are.

It seems to me that in the past, I've heard these referred to as "tobacco silks," or something to that effect, but I never really understood what that was all about, and I may be on the wrong track entirely. Perhaps Larry can further clarify the subject (or tell me that I've confused two entirely different things, which is quite possible).


Steve Maddox
President, NAWCC Chapter #62
North Little Rock, Arkansas
IHC Charter Member 49
Picture of Jerry Treiman
Steve, a quick "google" search of tobacco silks turns up a number of sites. Apparently these were predecessors to trading cards offered with tobacco products, circa 1880-1910. They included early baseball "cards" and other subjects printed on silk or fabric. Somewhat different from these lodge ribbons.
Thanks for sharing the info and dating.....

There is a marking on the back of the top clip stating 'whitehead and Hoag' so that certainly is correct.....

the auction house often has items from this area and brought to NC. there were other fraternal ribbons in the sale, but this one and an Odd Fellows were together in a lot.

the ribbon is soiled somewhat, not sure of what or IF to attempt cleaning....

I thought the 'celluloid' applique on the clip and button were neat....
there is a lot of detail in the clip art.

I also had 'assumed' the purpose of it being double sided, so thanks for the confirmation on that.....

Only one I have had the opportunity to buy, but will look out for other examples .....
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