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Ott Lite lighting set-up "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Someone asked last week what we use for lighting. Well, here's my simple cheap set-up. I'm too lazy to do it right. Just a simple semi clear plastic tub and a nice Ott Lite.

IHC Member 25
IHC Life Member (L6)

IHC Life Member
My results aren't just too bad. Here is an example. Now, I know it's a bit out of focus, and the picture is not the greatest, but the lighting seems pretty good. Okay, good enough for me because I'm lazy. Frown Big Grin

IHC Member 25
IHC Life Member (L6)

Picture of Tom Seymour
Larry, I've lead a sheltered life. Tell me what an Ott light is. Is is just a flourescent or a special bulb?

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.
IHC Life Member
Hi Tom. It is basically a fluorescent light with a special bulb. Ott Lite is a brand.

I like this particular model because it folds up into a small package. The light is intense, bright, and very white. 70.00 at Amazon. The bulbs cost 20.00, but they're supposed to last 10,000 hours. It's a very nice little light that has many uses.


IHC Member 25
IHC Life Member (L6)
Picture of Tom Seymour
Larry, I just got an Ott-Lite on ebay for just under half the list price. Can't wait until it gets here. I also noticed the large tub instead of the milk bottle to cut down on glare. That looks a lot easier to use. When I get it, I'll post a picture of ....something... Thank for the tip.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.
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