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12/14 Size Pockets "Click" to Login or Register 
Here are pictures of my two 12-size watches. The Waltham is a 19-j Riverside, adusted, serial 17,114,149, in a Crescent 25-year case, hinged bezel and back covers. The Howard is 17-j, adjusted, Pat'd '08, serial 1074160, J. Boss Howard case. Is there a name for the dial on the Waltham? I also have a wrist watch with the same style numerals. I have a new dial for the Howard I got from LaRose years ago, but I prefer the original even if it is damaged.

Waltham Riverside
Howard picture

Picture of Jerry Treiman
John, I would also guess that the dial you got from LaRose is a snap-on dial. That is what most of the available NOS 12/14 Howard dials are. The dial on yours is one of the early ones with dial feet (located just about where each of the chips is). The number style on these earlier dials is unmatched by the later ones.
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