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Duval "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jerry Treiman
This is a Swiss hunting-case watch I have had for a long time. It is signed on the cuvette and dial for Ernest Duval in Geneva, Switzerland. John, is this any relation?

Picture of Jerry Treiman
... also signed, has delicate sepia dots marking quarter minutes along the outside track.

Picture of Jerry Treiman
This is one of my favorite Swiss bar movements. I have seen many bar movements signed Duval, but most are brass and have the more common pattern.

[a correction - I have not seen a signed movement. It is always the dial and cuvette.]

[This message was edited by Jerry Treiman on March 20, 2004 at 12:35.]

IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall

Probably! It's a different spelling and I'm not sure what the original was. There's also Devalle, DuVal, DuVall, etc. All of my family's records were burned when many of Kentucky's county court houses were burned during the Civil War and again when our county court house burned back in the 1930's.

Thanks for sharing the nice watch.

John D. Duvall
Vice President, Education
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