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E. Howard & Co. Railroad Regulator. "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jim Dyson
Regulator Buffs,
This regulator is from a New Jersey railroad, name unknown. The case is dated above the movement mounting, 2-1903, for Feb. 1903, as a good many Howard regulators are marked. The winding barrel is hand signed in fancy cursive script, "Set up by R. T. Emerson, Roxbury, Mass, Feb. 1903". I have read that Emerson, worked for E. Howard for over 50 years. I have seen several Howard clocks, hand signed by this individual. The movement is the type #3 regulator movement, with large cast iron bracket and four jar nickel finish mercury pendulum. The quartersawn oak case as well as the dial and all mechanicals are factory original finish with exception of the gold leaf and black decoration on the door glass. The movement and pendulum are the same type generally used in the model 60 wall and 61 floor clock, however this case is not shown in any Howard catalog that I have seen. This is a big clock, 14" dial, case 5'5" tall. I have it hung on the wall at the proper height and its over 8' tall.
Jim Dyson

[This message was edited by Jim Dyson on December 01, 2003 at 17:37.]

[This message was edited by Jim Dyson on December 01, 2003 at 18:41.]

[This message was edited by Jim Dyson on December 01, 2003 at 22:15.]

[This message was edited by Jim Dyson on December 01, 2003 at 22:18.]

E. Howard Regulator
Great Regulator. Howards are hard to find and grow on you. Jim has some of the best Chelsea clocks you will ever see and I hope Jim favors you with some of the pictures of his fine clocks. I got Jim hooked on big wall regulators and now he is hooked as I knew he would be.

William Mittelstadt
IHC Member 166
Picture of Jim Dyson
Thanks for the kind words. This is one of my favorite Chelsea clocks. This is the first 12" Admiral made according to Chelsea records, serial number 86705, circa 1913, and the only one known to date, in this size. If anyone out there knows of another, I would like to hear about it. The dial is signed "Grogan Company, Pittsburgh". The clock is 20" tall and weighs a hefty 56 pounds.
Jim Dyson

[This message was edited by Jim Dyson on December 01, 2003 at 22:19.]

Chelsea Clock Co., 12" Admiral, circa 1913
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