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Large Clocks of interest in Canada "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Matthew E. Sutton
Here are a couple clocks that I encountered during my trip to Canada last week:

Picture of Matthew E. Sutton
Ottowa Peace Tower in the Parlament Building

Picture of Matthew E. Sutton
Niagara Falls FLoral Clock. Hands are about 10 feet in diameter.

Picture of Matthew E. Sutton
Orgin of the floral clock

Nice clocks Matt, the peace tower sounds really loud when you are high up in the tower.I once heard it when i was up there on a school trip.
Thanks for sharing.
Picture of Jessica Lane
Fascinating information about the Peace clock movement.

What historical event does it memorialize?

Also in regard to the floral clock. I take it it doesn't tell time? From what vantage point can one see the dial full-on?

Great Photos! thanks,

I believe it is called the Peace tower, in honour of the soldier,s lives lost in all wars, and hoping for peace now for all.
Picture of Tom Seymour
I love the floral clocks. Jessica, they do indeed tell the time. I had seen the one at Niagra Falls many years ago. There used to be one at the entrance to Greenfield Village. Unfortunately that has been removed.

Great pictures, Thanks for posting them.

IHC Life Member
Here is an update to an old post. I got to see this clock in person this past weekend and the door to the equipment room was open, allowing some pictures that I hope display OK here. The clock was originally built in 1950 and each year a different floral arrangement is designed. It is spectacular to see in person.

Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Thanks Roger for posting those pictures. Very interesting floral arrangements. Smile


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