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E. Howard craftsmanship at it's best........ "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 179
E. Howard Expert
Picture of Harold Visser
Rainy day in Scottsdale today Frown, been experimenting with my digital camera and thought I'd share this split-plate Howard. Wonder who was in charge of coming up with the delightful intricate patterns? Was it the man doing the actual damaskeening or was he given a certain pattern to follow? In any case they came up with a beauty with this example, wouldn't you agree?

Uhuh! Very nice for sure!

We need a icon for drewling. Big Grin


E. Howard Expert
Picture of Dr. Clint Geller
Moving from the center out, I count eight successive damascening patterns on those plates! I especially like the crenalations about half way to the edge. and the drapery beyond them. My favorite touch is the minidots on the interior edge of the drapery. I suspect that that design element was especially time consuming to implement. I always look for minidots on later "early" Howards [sic].

Clint Geller


[This message was edited by Dr. Clint Geller on November 02, 2003 at 10:24.]

[This message was edited by Dr. Clint Geller on November 02, 2003 at 10:26.]

[This message was edited by Dr. Clint Geller on November 02, 2003 at 10:28.]
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