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Bicentennial Clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Tom Seymour
A limited edition of 500 of these were made by T. Eurich and R. Romeo of Dearborn Michigan.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.

IHC Member 234
Picture of Jim Cope
.....a classic Empire 'lyre' mahogany timepiece...beautiful...just beautiful!!!how original is it?...the painted panels?...looks to be in first rate condition...would it be around 1850?...I know a lot of 'design copying' when on in those days but a New England clock made in the Midwest, that's special!...thanks for showing her...Jim C
IHC Member 234
Picture of Jim Cope
....think I've answered my own questions if this is a 'modern repro' to mark the 'BiCentennial'?...hmmm, if'n it is, it's still beautiful!!!
Picture of Tom Seymour
Jim, You are correct it is not an old clock. It was made in 1975/76. It is also not a reproduction. It was styled after earlier designs, and its construction and carving was based on work done earlier. The final design elements were original and intentionally not made to reproduce any individual early clock.

Attached is part of an ad for the clock when it first came out.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.

Very nice clock Tom, is this one in your collection and what is the movement like in this one.
A very beautiful clock.
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