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Elgin Travel Clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Wayne C. Anderson
A nice Elgin 8 day watch in a travel case.

Picture of Brian C.
Nice travel case Wayne.
That's the kind I need for my Waltham, anyone have one?
Brian C.
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Cool item Wayne!

I'll bet the survival rate is not very high making it a real rarity.

Thanks for sharing it with us,


Picture of Wayne C. Anderson
Brian C.
The Waltham travel clock case - on display at the CRMI. I have a Waltham clock but no case also - will keep a look out for a Waltham case for you.

Very nice clocks Wayne, do these come up on Ebay sometimes or did you get yours elsewhere, if you don,t mind me asking?
Picture of Wayne C. Anderson
I picked up the Elgin and the Waltham at a flea market in Connecticut last fall. I also have a Waltham 8 Day clock in a wall housing.
I have not seen then for sale on E-bay, but have never watched for them. Good Luck
Picture of Brian C.
I see the travel clocks on eBay often. They usually have cases that are tatterd and torn. If you find a good complete clock, they sell for too much money. I can remember in the old days seeing five or six of these clocks in an auction lot and they had a hard time bringing $15.00 for the lot.
Brian C.
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