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Seikosha Marine Clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Ken Knight
I am going to post in the photo gallery pictures of a Seikosha (Seiko) marine clock. It is very similar to one posted by Fred Hougham some years ago, except that the face is in Japanese. I believe it reads (Wind every seven days.) Perhaps someone can help translate it better.

The clock is 7 3/4" in dia. and 3 1/4" high.

Also, this clock has a protection cover over the fuzee barrel, which is not shown in Fred's clock.

I'd really would like to hear your comments.

My comments are; beautiful, and I wish it was mine, it would fit in my collection perfectly.
Thanks for showing Ken, even though nearly 2 years have slipped by for me to find this treasure!

My WWW collection is now complete, time to look for new ventures!
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