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Here is a unique opportunity to do something worthwhile and share warmth this winter! "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Here is a unique opportunity to do something worthwhile and share warmth this winter!

A couple years ago our daughter Ann "Sparky" Riddle received an award from this wonderful organization Project Love for her unselfish involvement in the electoral process. Our family learned from first-hand experience Project Love is a truly worthwhile, character-building education and training organization that encourages acceptance of others and conducts seminars aimed at the prevention of bullying and intimidation that is so sadly prevalent today especially in public school settings. Recently our girl Sparky came up with the idea of weaving scarfs that could generate donations and provide a tangible product which would have real benefits.

I cannot think of a better bargain than the "SparkScarfs" you see in the picture below this post, you make a 100% contribution to improving the lives of teens and you end up with a beautiful 52" in length scarf for yourself or a loved one. The exceedingly generous option of donating one or more SparkScarfs to The City Mission of Cleveland is also available. Each of these "SparkScarfs" takes 16-year-old "Sparky" Riddle nearly three hours to weave by hand, they are hand woven from totally Non-Allergenic Acrylic and Polyester, whether you buy one for yourself or a dozen to share with others, this is one of the nicest things you can possibly do.

Here is a direct link to ordering...

Purchase or Donate Project Love SparkScarfs

And here is their main site...

Project Love® Remember the Children Foundation

100% of your SparkScarfs purchases goes to Project Love, this is a way to contribute, to do something good.

Orders are placed directly through Project Love at the first link above but please do post in this topic letting us all know how many you are ordering. This is something very special to my daughter and to our family, we are very proud of all she is doing to help make the world a better place. For shipping costs on large quantities contact annriddle@roadrunner.com and one more point, if you would like to buy a quantity and have each one shipped individually to the recipient Sparky will enclose a hand-signed card indicating the gift is from you.

We are confident IHC185 Members will want to participate.

Sparky shows her work and the available colors...

IHC Vice President
Pitfalls Moderator
IHC Life Member
Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
I'll be making an order for family Christmas presents plus a donation to the shelter if Sparky can handle the work load.

I'm thinking 9 total in my family, with multiple shipping addresses. I'll get that info together in an email to Sparky and then send my payment thru PayPal.

Best Regards,

IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
Hey Ed, I'll be right behind you....but I'm thinking that with our orders, Man, I don't know if one Young Lady can do it all, because I'm sure there are going to be many others as well....

Right now I'm looking for at least 22 scarfs....

I will use the order form in the Lin's post and will forward my check to you, Sparky....

Good luck with your project, hope everything works out for the best....



P.S. Is it possible to get the color "Crimson"...?
IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle

Dear Mr. Parsons,

Thank you for very much, I really appreciate your support of this cause. There are six colors (Beige, Black, Light Blue, Purple, Red, and White), let me know what colors you want sent to what addresses.

Project Love, City Mission, and I are very grateful in the support of not only teens in the public school, but also in helping The City Mission to help others who are less fortunate.

I look forward to making the Project Love "SparkScarfs" for you and your family.

Thanks again,

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle

Mr King,

I will be honored to make these Project Love "SparkScarfs" for you, for Mr. Parsons and for everyone else. It will be no problem for me to be sure they are done in time to send as gifts in the upcoming holiday season.

I am so happy that I already have 31 orders from you and Mr. Parsons for the Project Love "SparkScarfs" I make, I look forward to getting more and I promise that every order will be filled.

The red "SparkScarf" is a deep crimson the yarn company calls "candy apple" red. When I looked up "crimson" on the Internet, I found "Crimson Tide" and the color shown there matches my scarfs. I am mailing you a sample of the red yarn and will be happy to do so on colors for others.

Thank you both for your support,

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

Wow, I too will place an order but for now I must remark at what a wonderful young lady you are. You have such a kind and generous heart and a great moral foundation that is just not seen as much today in children your age.
My hats off to you Ann, and to your parents as well for raising such a wonderful young woman.
IHC Life Member
Certified Watchmaker
Picture of Chris Abell
Sparky, wonderful idea, no needs for scarf’s down here so donate mine to the mission,
Great work well done.

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle

Dear Mr. Abell,

Thank you for purchasing a Project Love "SparkScarf" to donate to The City Mission, so far, I have made and donated 7, yours will be the 8th so this makes me very happy. My contact person at The City Mission is excited about all the scarfs that have been donated, they are going to put them to good use.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle


Below is an award from The City Mission for our efforts:

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle

Dear Mr. Hallenbeck,

Thank you very much for your kind words, I'm just trying to do my part to make the world a better place, it makes me feel good about myself doing this and helping others. I'm very proud of my parents and all that they have done for me. I look forward to your order.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to thank Buster Beck and Phil and Sonia Sanchez for their orders of the SparkScarfs.

Buster Beck bought 6 Project Love SparkScarfs and Phil and Sonia bought 2 Project Love SparkScarfs.

The SparkScarfs will be shipping Tuesday. Thanks for all your support guys!

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
I think I will card the "Gift Scarves" to my kids and Grand kids; "Merry Christmas from Dad with help from Sparky".
IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle

Dear Mr. Abbe,

Thank you for your order of 10 Project Love SparkScarfs. Smile The support of this project is so amazing, I am very grateful for everyone's orders and donations.

I'm glad that the SparkScarfs has solved some of the Christmas gift giving dilemma. Big Grin I love to help!

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Vice President
Pitfalls Moderator
IHC Life Member
Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.

I just sent you an email ordering 4 more scarves for my family members. I've specified the color I want for each recipient and the recipient's address. I paid using PayPal.

Best Regards,

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Dear Mr. Parsons,

Thank you for your additional order, I will make sure they are all made and shipped on time.

With all these orders of SparkScarfs, I have steadily been decreasing the amount of time it takes for me to make a SparkScarf from 3 hours to 2 hours. Thank you all for your help in this project, I can't thank everyone enough.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Thanks to Jerry King for his order of 20 Project Love SparkScarfs and donation of 1 SparkScarfs to The City Mission. Your order will be shipped out tomorrow morning in three separate boxes, heads up Big Grin.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Thanks to Larry Lamphier for his order of 5 Project Love SparkScarfs, and his generous donation of 5 Project Love SparkScarfs to The City Mission. Your order will be shipping within the next week.

Thanks to all, and have a Happy Thanksgiving! Wink

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Thanks to David Abbe for his order of 11 Project Love SparkScarfs.
Your order was shipped today in two separate boxes, heads up Big Grin.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Thanks to Larry Lamphier for his order mentioned above, your order was shipped today, heads up Big Grin.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle
IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Thanks to Jerry King for his additional order of 4 Project Love SparkScarfs. Your SparkScarfs were shipped today, heads up Big Grin.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Orders are placed directly through Project Love at the first link above but please do post in this topic letting us all know how many you are ordering.

Just ordered two (one red, one purple).

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Dear Mr. Carpenter,

Thank you very much for your order, I will be making them and have them shipped out within the next week.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

IHC Life Member
Picture of Sparky Ann Elizabeth Riddle
Thanks to Ed Parsons for his orders mentioned above, your 9 gift Project Love SparkScarfs were shipped today, heads up to your family Big Grin.

Ann "Sparky" Riddle

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