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My new Rosberg bench "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Edward Kitner
Thanks to Bruce Stewart for the tip on a local auction. I picked up a new (to me) Rosberg bench last night.
I have to clean it up some, but it is very welcome.

Posts: 1488 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2008
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Picture of Phillip Sanchez
Nice pickup, Ed
Posts: 4975 | Location: North Georgia Mountains in the U.S.A. | Registered: March 31, 2006
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Ed, congratulations on getting the bench! My 2 Rosberg's are a slightly older design — one is in my den and the other is still in the garage waiting to be worked on. My one in the house has the same circular lathe imprint on the left corner of the top as yours ...pretty cool. Also on the top of mine, on the right side, there is an elongated burn mark in the edge of the oak top. I can just imagine some old watchmaker setting his cigar there while he toiled away on a Bunn Special. These things all tell a story, and I usually opt to keep such "defects" as part of the history of the piece. Hope you get a lot of good use out of the bench — it looks like a good one! Smile
Posts: 718 | Location: Upstate New York in the USA | Registered: November 21, 2008
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Nice looking bench Ed. On my similar bench the lower right hand drawer has space under it if you pull it all the way out. I wonder if that was intended to be a "secret" storage spot for valuables.

Posts: 1078 | Location: Ticonderoga, New York USA | Registered: March 01, 2008
Picture of Edward Kitner
Thanks again for the tip.
My bench has an area right in the front, and left of center where you sit that is discolored and worn. I have to surmise the owner was left handed. It also has an "R" with a shield carved around it carved into the upper right hand corner of the top.

When I read your remark about the hide-hole I immediately checked, hoping to find a roll of $100 bills in mine Frown Mine does not even have a hide-hole in it.
Posts: 1488 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2008
IHC Life Member

My bench is a bit different than yours in that it doesn't have that arch on the lower right. That leaves a nice space under my bottom drawer.

Posts: 1078 | Location: Ticonderoga, New York USA | Registered: March 01, 2008
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Picture of John J. Flahive III

Mine has the same hole location (front left) for mounting the jewelers lathe. Also, the drawers underneath that spot have lathe supplies (collets, red rubber o-rings, etc). I took the lathe off since I need a lot of elbow room to work. Haven't checked for the cubby hole with full of 100 dollar bills yet, but I will tonight. Wink

Nice condition overall. Great buy.

John III

Posts: 1755 | Location: Colorado in the USA | Registered: October 17, 2005
Picture of Edward Kitner
I hope you deposited all that money in your local bank by now Big Grin
I have my bench set up now. I'm waiting for the material for the top to settle down so I can do a final trim to fit. It is the same material used on drafting tables. Does anyone know how to get the humps out of this stuff?
Posts: 1488 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2008
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Picture of Steve Middlesworth

Back when I use to use a drafting table at work we would use 3M spray adhesive. Spray the bottom of the matt, hold up both ends together and lay it in the center of the board. Put your free hand in the open end of the cover and press down from top to bottom. Then lay one half down pulling a little tension down onto the board. Do the same to the other side. Now you should be able to start at the center and put pressure down and start moving outward to remove the bubbles and then trim to size.

Or put it near a window in the sun for a couple and it should lay out flat.

Posts: 1980 | Location: Kentucky in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2008
Picture of Edward Kitner
It is starting to flatten some, but will need a little encouragement. Is the 3m spray a perminent glue? I would hate to spray perminent glue on the wooden top. I have thought about double back tape.
Posts: 1488 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2008
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