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Questions on jewelling and tools "Click" to Login or Register 
I have been adding to my skills and tools and would like to be able to repair my jewels ,since jewels in settings sell for 10 and up . I had started without a plan , I picked up a couple of small sets of jewels in settings , they will come in handy, caps , plate , and balance . It looks like everybody uses seitz jewels , so i picked up a partial set of seitz in bestfits packages , mostly balance jewels , and I added a seitz kit of brass settings , my main question is about tooling for seitz , I bought by accident a C F marshall reamer and press , the sizes are not in line withy seitz , C F marshall uses whole numbers like 1.6 and seitz uses 1.59 for their press fit jewels , will the C F Marshall set work with seitz ? . I think I just need to add a seitz set of reamers and press to be "ready" for most any thing and finish of the seitz set of jewels . Any input and thoughts is appreciated . Thanks Kevin

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
I have a large amount of seitz balance jewels , some plate , and a few caps

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
and this set of settings with collets to hold them

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
I have a nice assortment of jewels in settings , but want to be able to cover most situations

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
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