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Watchmaking Lathes from Ebay-- do these seem complete and working? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jessica Lane
I posted this in the Ebay section--but then I thought it might be better placed here.

I don't know much about lathes, even how to evaluate whether they're complete or would work.

I had posted:

This is a lathe that's on Ebay now. I was thinking that if I could get an old lathe for a relatively low cost, I might donate it to a place around here where they have jewelry classes, if I could get someone to teach me how to use it.

Not that I know that anyone who teaches jewelry does know how to use one of these, but I can so far think of any other way to learn.

Does this lathe look okay? What would a low price be, for something that would work well enough to learn on?

Any suggestiong would be very much appreciated.





Posts: 834 | Location: New York, New York U.S.A. | Registered: September 06, 2003
As I suspect you know there is nothing like a good tutor to get you underway.
But in the absense of such a person a book might help. I was reading today a first edition copy of de Carles 'The Watchmakers Lathe and how to use it'
It covers the basic components, accessories and some operations. Also it has 50 pages where it describes individual manufacturers's lathes. All of this would give you a good intro to the topic and give you a feel if you want to go to lathe operations.
It has been reprinted many times, so check if later versions cover the above points, particularly if they cover the manufacturers' stuff. I bought mine from eBay for not very much. The usual watch booksellers may be able to help too.

Posts: 110 | Location: Chalfont St Giles, Bucks, UK | Registered: June 03, 2006
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