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Elgin Time: A History of the Elgin National Watch Company 1864 to 1968 "Click" to Login or Register 
Elgin Historian
IHC Life Member
I have receive email and phone inquiries about this book and thought it might be useful to answer a few of those questions here as well individually. Some of this information was previously posted in a discussion thread on the Elgin Observatory.

The first book length history of the Elgin National Watch Company was just published. It is a 120 page book in 8 ½ by 11 inches format with approximately 100 photos. Only 1100 copies were published. If sales are strong another press run may take place but it costs several thousand dollars up front to print books like this so no decision has been made about the long term availability of the book. By agreement with the authors, the Elgin Area Historical Society owns the copyright and all profits from sales go to the Society and its Museum.

For copies ordered by mail the price is $32.00, which includes all postage, taxes and handling fees. Personal checks and money orders accepted, payable to the Elgin Area Historical Society, 360 Park St, Elgin, IL 60120. Phone (847) 742-4248.

The authors are E. C. “Mike” Alft and William Briska. Mr Alft has authored four other hard bound books, seven soft cover booklets, and 1000 newspaper columns on Elgin area history. Mr. Briska is author of the 1997 book, The History of Elgin Mental Health Center: Evolution of a State Hospital. He is also the Historical Society’s watch specialist who answers queries about Elgin watches.

This book is primarily a company history and not a product history. By that I mean that there is not a large amount of technical information on watches. Rather, the narrative follows the company’s rise and fall, its impact on the city of Elgin and the watch industry, information on people who shaped the company. The appendix does include a useful table on the introduction dates and initial serial numbers for the company’s first 56 models.

Circle of Time: Elgin and Watch Factory is a related item produced last year by the Elgin Area Historical Society. It is a one hour video (VHS format) documentary on the watch company and its impact on Elgin. This has some great footage of the factory. For mail orders the price is $25, postage, tax and shipping included.
Posts: 23 | Location: Elgin, Illinois USA | Registered: December 05, 2003
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