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Here's a book you all should consider...... "Click" to Login or Register 
After reading about this on other boards and never seeing any information on ordering it I though I would pass it along. Although there were many comment on the board I never thought to look in the book section on the boards go figure...DUH! They had about 90 copys when I ordered mine a few weeks ago and it's a great book.

December 1, 2002
To: Prospective customers
From: D. L. Dawes
Subj: A Complete History of Watch and Clock Making in America

This book is a compilation in book form of the 56 articles written and printed in “The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review” by Charles S. Crossman between July 1886 and July 1891. Mr. Crossman was a watchmaker in New York who traveled extensively and knew many of the key people responsible for producing watches and clocks by machinery. The main body of the book consists of four chapters: Watches, 77 pages, Watch cases, 16 pages, Chronometers, 5 pages, and Clocks, 25 pages. In addition there is an appendix containing 5 letters written to Crossman about his articles and a biographical sketch and picture of Charles S. Crossman. Mr. Dawes has conducted extensive research to obtain the most accurate version of the text and illustrations available. He has also edited the text to correct spelling and eliminate repetition while preserving Mr. Crossman’s charming 19th century style of writing.
The book is available from the author for $30 post paid. Checks may be sent to: Donald L. Dawes
45 Farrar Road
Lincoln MA 01773
Books may be picked up from the author at $25.
Posts: 175 | Location: Claremore, Oklahoma USA | Registered: January 03, 2003
Picture of Ted Steuernagel
Is there a web site for this book to see if there are any left? THANKS TED
Posts: 335 | Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A. | Registered: November 23, 2002

I think you can get what you're looking for in the thread below.

web page

Posts: 12 | Location: Huntsville, Alabama U.S.A. | Registered: December 30, 2002
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