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Watchmaker's parts cabinets (w/parts), question... "Click" to Login or Register 
In a local antiques mall I found a vendor who had several watchmaker's parts cabinets. These were metallic, about the size of a large shoe box, with two small drawers each. In each drawer were small envelopes with various parts in them. There were a couple Bulova cabinets, Best Fit cabinets, and one Elgin cabinet. Question: I know we can't discuss monetary values here, but I wonder if these items are found regularly, or are they uncommon? Is this something I should "jump" at? The price, per chest, didn't seem too outlandish; it is affordable to me. I'd like to buy one (actually, I'd like to buy them all, but...), both as a nice watch-related collectible and as a possible source of parts to support my hobby. I particularly like the small plastic capsules that Elgin used to hold parts. One of the cabinets held only mainsprings (or so it seemed); I lean toward buying one that has a mix of items, though. Thoughts, opinions? Thanks,
Posts: 156 | Location: O'Fallon, Illinois U.S.A. | Registered: September 03, 2004
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Let's correct one thing... we certainly can and do discuss monetary values here every day. No real discussion could take place without getting into values.

May I suggest you get an indication of exactly what is in the cabinets. Since Bulova is mentioned, my immediate impression is wristwatch material.

I'd simply want to buy it all, someone can use it.

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Thanks for the correction Lindell Smile
The cabinets with "parts" in them are $65; the mainspring cabinet is $50. All cabinets appear to be in good condition, used, etc. The cabinets appear to be fairly full, but not chock-full (how's that for a description!). I hope the Elgin box contains mostly pocket watch material--I will check more closely. I look forward to more opinions if anyone would care to comment. Thanks again,
Posts: 156 | Location: O'Fallon, Illinois U.S.A. | Registered: September 03, 2004
Picture of Brian C.
Check each cabinet to make sure there is a list with part numbers for each cabinet as to what is in the cabinet. Without a key, the parts can be of little value.
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
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