Internet Horology Club 185
Watch repair tools
March 11, 2008, 12:19
Edward KitnerWatch repair tools
Where is a good place to purchase a medium quality watch repair kit for a beginner?
Do any members sell such?
March 11, 2008, 16:46
Scott CerulloEd,
There are many horological supply companies. I would avoid ordering a kit. The first step would be to determine what tools you will actually use. Ebay is a great source for tools. You want to stay away from products not manufactured in Switzerland, Germany, and the USA. In many cases the old tools are better than the new ones. Do not buy new cheap tools. If you are going for new stuff stick to Bergeon and Horia. I suggest getting a good book on watch repair so you will know what you need and what you don't. Right now you can get the entire Chicago School of Watchmaking course on cd for around $40 on Ebay.
Some of the basic tools would be a set of screwdrivers, demagnetizer, cleaning machine, oilers, watch paper, pith wood, peg wood, and tweezers. A staking set is another tool that can be used for many watch repair jobs.
March 11, 2008, 17:36
Frank KusumotoBuy the best tweezers and screwdrivers. Skimping on tools will only result in your having to buy the same type of tool twice. Cheap tools don't work for watchmaking. I'm sure there's been a list posted before of all the basic tools and the preferred brands.
March 11, 2008, 19:18
Edward KitnerScott and Frank,
Thanks for the input.
I am a newbe at this and thought I would start by taking apart a nonworking 18s or 16s watch and puting it back together for training. Maybe replacing a crystal.
I agree with you that I would be better off getting the best and forgetting about it.
Any suggestion on tools I would need now to perform the tasks I suggesed?
March 11, 2008, 20:53
Frank KusumotoThere's a pretty good basic course at the
Time Zone Watch School. It will teach you a lot of basic things and good habits. Just starting out yourself you're very likely to develop bad habits that will make it harder for you to do a good job down the road.
March 12, 2008, 15:39
Marty BellEd: Do yourself a big favor and don't start with a full plate movement; they can be a pain to reassemble and you don't need the extra challenge...believe me,friend!
March 12, 2008, 20:13
Edward KitnerMarty,
Thanks ,I was wondering about that very option.
Can anyone tell me what size screw drivers are needed to work on 16s,18s watches.
March 12, 2008, 20:38
Frank KusumotoNot to be Snarky or anything, but the screwdrivers you need are good ones. You also need a good stone to sharpen them with when they get dull. I have used screwdrivers from a couple different companies and the only ones worth the price are the Bergeon set. You pretty much need the basic 9 or 10 screwdriver set. If you buy a cheap Indian or Chinese set you will regret it.
March 22, 2008, 17:43
Bob WilliamsGood information , thanks to everyone
Bob Williams
May 14, 2009, 22:19
John Horvathi am just starding out,
any one have some tools for sale?
May 14, 2009, 23:36
Jerry KingHello John....Welcome to IHC185, thanks for stoping in to visit with us....
In our members only area of the site, we have on going auctions for every type of horological tool needed for the beginner up to the expert level....
I would suggest that you join us, it's only $12.00 a year and the amount of help one receives thru our membership is amazing....
Once you have become a full member you will be free to visit and participate in the entire website....
You can go here and take care of it right now if you like....
To Become a MemberGood Luck....
May 16, 2009, 00:42
John HorvaththansJarry i had tride, i dont know what i am doing wrong,but i would like to be a member.
May 16, 2009, 01:01
John Horvathjerry ,i think i got it.
ps sorry i speld your name wrong.(and everyting als
May 16, 2009, 06:02
Dr. Debbie Irvine
Thank you John for your IHC185 dues.
The "Members Only" areas are now open for you.
As Jerry pointed out above as an IHC185 Member you have access to our BUY AND SELL HERE, THE IHC185™ TRADING MART
Welcome aboard and enjoy!

May 16, 2009, 13:12
Jerry KingCongratulations John, on becoming a full member....You will find that it is the best money you ever spent....
Be sure and check back often in our auction forums as there is tools of all kinds put up for sale by our members....
If you have any questions at all feel free to ask them, someone will always give you an honest answer....
Again, WELCOME ON BOARD THE 185 EXPRESS....We are going places....