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South Bend Watch Hands Interchange "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Ernie Loga
Does anyone know if watch hands from other watches will fit South Bend watches? Is there a watch hand interchange list?
Posts: 900 | Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A. | Registered: April 28, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of Frank Kusumoto
If you have a staking tool and a set of reamers there is a wide variety of hands that will interchange (with some modification).

Otherwise you need to look at the hole diameters. I've never seen an interchange list (although I wouldn't be surprised if one existed somewhere).

So the measurements you're dealing with are:

Hole Diameter
18s SB 2.40 / 1.25 / 0.30
16s SB 1.68 / 1.04 / 0.32
12s SB 1.60 / 1.00 / 0.25

18s SB ~20.0 / ~16.0 / 5 - 6
16s SB ~20.0 / ~13.0 / 5 - 6
12s SB ~19.0 / ~13.0 / 5 - 6

For the second hands all of the Hampden 12s second hands I've run across are 0.25 and they came in a wide variety of styles. Most other second hands are 0.20 and are hard to fit unless they're split (which really isn't advisable).

Here's a list of some other brands from the Jules Borel Catalog. If you make your own interchange list please share it with us. Smile

Posts: 1029 | Location: Denver, Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: October 08, 2004
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