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Research Work Needed on the Grade 304 "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz

We are doing research work on the Grades 337 and 345 so we can get the price guide up-dated as to rarity.

So all you South Bend Collectors can you post known serial numbers here:


We need to do similar research for the Grade 304. Specify the movement number, style of damaskeening pattern and other specifics such as Double Roller or Adjusted markings. Also important is the dial, whether it is configured as a hunter or an open face watch.


Here are two Grade 304 with different damaskeening patterns, on the left is number 730160 which was sold as a hunter and 730800 a hunter movement with no seconds bit, sold as an open face with a flat, non-sunk dial.

Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz

Is the South Bend 304 that scarce that nobody has any to report? Please post your serial numbers.

Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Ernie Loga
Here is the number of a 304 called in to me by a friend who is not a member yet of IHC 185.

Posts: 900 | Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A. | Registered: April 28, 2008
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Thanks Ernie

Did you get which damaskeening pattern is on this movement.

Known 304 movements
730160 Zig-Zag Pattern
730504 Straight-line Pattern
730800 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730964 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit

Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Ernie Loga

I am emailing him for that information. All of his watches are in a Bank Lock box so he has to actually go to the bank during business hours to get the information. He has a list of grades and serial numbers at home.

As soon as I get the information from him I will post it.
Posts: 900 | Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A. | Registered: April 28, 2008
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Thanks Ernie

We have four listed out of one run of 1,000. I know that you South Bend collectors are holding back come on post your serial number or email me if you prefer to keep anonymous (jac4ky@aol.com).
Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Ernie Loga
Here is the latest report:

Serial #Grade Damaskeening

730160 304 Zig Zag
730504 304 Straight line
730800 304 Straight line

Here is an updated photo showing the patterns with labels:

Posts: 900 | Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A. | Registered: April 28, 2008
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
I need to bring this back to the top of the list. We only have 8 listed? For research we need more to come forward. Please list your 18s 304 serial number. Added a 6th 01/18/2012,Rev 8/30/2013


Known 304 movements
730077 Zig-Zag Pattern
730160 Zig-Zag Pattern
730313 Zig-Zag Pattern w/ second bit

730504 Straight-line Pattern
730800 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730849 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730945 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730964 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
I have a 304 S/N 730077 with the zig-zag patten on the movment.
Posts: 5 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: February 16, 2010
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Thanks Ted

I added it to the list.

Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Life Member
Picture of Frank Kusumoto

I'm interested in your opinion on the matter of the the WAG of the temporal metrology of this project? Considering this and the earlier thread, how many examples, what sigma of certainty, etc. do suppose it will take. And what is going to take to at least have settled on some degree of consensus?


Posts: 1029 | Location: Denver, Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: October 08, 2004
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
WOW... Have you seen the new 2011 price guide. It now lists the 304 as a one star watch. We still need more serial numbers to add to the data base.

Any help is welcome.


ps Thanks to Lindell Riddle for presenting and getting changes made to the South Bend section of the price guide.
Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002

Both of my 304's are missing from the list:

730313 zig zag w/ seconds bit
730849 Straight line no seconds bit


Posts: 1626 | Location: North Dakota in the USA | Registered: December 09, 2009
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Thanks Jared

Added them to the list.

It looks like that the only run of 1000 was split at the 500 mark. First 500 (73000-730499) were the Zig-Zag pattern with a second bit. The second half over (730500-731000) were the straight line pattern without the second bit.

This should increase the rarity of the 304, as now we know that there are two patterns to collect. The Zig-Zag pattern which should be in a hunter case, and the Straight line pattern without the second bit (Special Dial) in a open face case.

Repeating Known 304 movements
Type I
730013 Zig-Zag Pattern w/ second bit no case
730077 Zig-Zag Pattern
730094 Zig-Zag Pattern w/ second bit
730160 Zig-Zag Pattern w/ second bit
730313 Zig-Zag Pattern w/ second bit
730349 Zig-Zag Pattern w/ second bit

Type II
730504 Straight-line Pattern
730584 Straight-Line Pattern w/ second bit
730671 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730760 Straight-line Pattern w/ second bit

Type III
730800 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730806 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit No Case
730849 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730945 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
730964 Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit
Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Any more to report? I just added one to the list 730349, which is a type I.
Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Thanks Keith for keeping it up to date Smile Im still hunting for both of them. Happy new year! (it just hit midnight in Poland, so we are in 2017)
Posts: 266 | Location: Wroclaw in Poland | Registered: May 06, 2013
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz

Added another number today 730584.

Interesting if we look at the list of Type II. A third type is clearly taking shape. Type II would be Straight-line Pattern with a seconds bit (true hunter). Type III would start at 730800 and be Straight-line Pattern No Second Bit (converted to Open Face).

Welcome comments.
Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
New serial popped out 730094 with second bit, zig zag pattern.
Posts: 266 | Location: Wroclaw in Poland | Registered: May 06, 2013
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz

Keep up the search!
Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
and next one: 730671 - no sconds bit, stripes, recased.
Posts: 266 | Location: Wroclaw in Poland | Registered: May 06, 2013
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