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Anyone Have a Pic the South Bend 121? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jeffrey Tibbs
Just wanted to ask if anyone has a pic of the South Bend 0 size 121 watch movement. I have seen only 1 in all my time collecting.

Thanks in advance

Posts: 166 | Location: Dublin, Ohio in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2005
I would like to see them if you don't mind sharing them, perhaps others would too. It would be a treat.

Posts: 93 | Location: Frisco, Texas in the USA | Registered: August 29, 2006
IHC Life Member
Picture of Frank Kusumoto
Jeff, if you have a picture of the movement could you post it? Thanks.
Posts: 1029 | Location: Denver, Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: October 08, 2004
Picture of Ernie Loga
Here is the movement of the South Bend 121 I just received. But, I have a question: I thought the 121 should have been in an open cased watch. Mine is a hunter case. Anybody know why? The damaskeening looks correct on all plates. What do you think?

Note: I have been informed that the watch is a 120 which conforms to the hunter case. However, the South Bend Database lists it as a 121.

Posts: 900 | Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A. | Registered: April 28, 2008
Picture of Ernie Loga
Here is a photo of the dial for the South Bend 121. It has mismatched hands and a chip around the seconds chapter.

In this photo you can clearly see the orientation for a hunter case.

note: I ws also informaed that the 121 does not have a seconds chapter. that would again make this a 120. But, what is right? My informant or the database?

Posts: 900 | Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A. | Registered: April 28, 2008
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