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South Bend 327 - Literature? "Click" to Login or Register 
I've been researching some of the rarer South Bend watches (e.g. the 328, Polaris, 100's, etc).

One that I find particularly interesting and hard to find anything on, in the records, is the South Bend, 18 size, 21 jewel, 327. By searching for "South Bend 327" I came up with a few postings from fellow members including one rather informative post by Lindell where he discusses known serial numbers and the fact that only 300 were blocked out. Here is: 18 Size 21-Jewel Grade 327 Information

I've also looked through all of the South Bend literature available on this site and only spotted a few references to the "327". Usually only a sentence confirming its existence and general specifications.

We know it was a 21 jewel movement but was it comparable to the 18 size "The Studebaker" grade watches?

I'd love to hear your thoughts or any knowledge that you might be able to add to this discussion.

Thank you! Smile
Posts: 82 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: May 25, 2010
IHC Life Member
Picture of Frank Kusumoto
Why market something you only made 300 of? A lot of the motivation behind making these high-end watches overflowing with fake smokestacks is the over dressing equivalent of our dressing up, of course the watch building was on a little bit..., well mostly on a intellectual level.

On a slightly tangential level I've read that earlier on in the EARLY 1890's the damaskeening was not too fancy. Some workers started getting a little competitive and it reached a critical mass (some same in about 1887). The people that were operating the damaskeening machine aren't so different from those two fellows spinning around on a piece of cardboard. Some of it, maybe most of it, on both sides, must come from at least a little some competion (or Pride or whatever you call it).
Posts: 1029 | Location: Denver, Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: October 08, 2004
IHC Member 1110
In my humble opinion, the 327 was supposed to be an 18S version of the 227, that is a bulletproof 21 jewel railroad watch at a more afforable price than the Studebaker models.They probably didn't sell as well as the 227, since 18 sizes were losing popularity, which could be why only a small number were made.But, Lindell posted a picture of his 327, what a nice looking movement!I know I'll never own one, but you can always dream...Ted.
Posts: 1323 | Location: Lebanon, Connecticut USA | Registered: March 28, 2008
Ted, I always wondered if the 327 was supposed to be the 18 size version of the 227 but was never was sure since they dropped production so quickly. But this seems like a good explanation Wink

I'm still mulling over Frank's response Big Grin
Posts: 82 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: May 25, 2010
IHC Member 1110
Adonya, I keep hoping to find a 327 at a tag sale or flea market, but I guess thats about impossible!South Bends, especially the 18S's had some really nice looking damaskeening on them.I always assumed that the 327's had the same pattern as the 16S 227, but it looks more like a chain-link fence.Also , doesn't look like they have gold jewel settings, probably to keep the cost down.I've only seen pics of two of them, I imagine they are one of the rarest RR watches .
Posts: 1323 | Location: Lebanon, Connecticut USA | Registered: March 28, 2008
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