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Another Piece of the Puzzle "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Picture of Frank Kusumoto
So where is this "Accuracy is Imperative" booklet? This memo was put out some time around then, maybe give or take a year so that does leave plenty of time for two such publications during that period. Also, "Lifetime Accuracy" says that it's Catalog No. 87. I really wish I knew if there were 86 more or not. Sherry be holding onto them until she retires? As far as money goes that might be a good plan.

The Studebaker catalogues follow the year, e.g., Cat.24 in 1924. With out a trace of a single catalog coming before or after this No.87 catalogue, it I have some doubts that there may be more. Just guessing, but 87 is how many years it was since the first generation had formed a team/dream and business and went out and started kicking some ***.

Anyways, more theories or speculation. It can't hurt now can it? And boy, the sure wanted to dump those 211's! :-D

Posts: 1029 | Location: Denver, Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: October 08, 2004
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