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Magnetism "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Kenny Drafts
I just finished repairing a grade 590 B. W. Raymond that had a broken/worn out staff. I replaced the staff, reassembled the balance assembley and installed it in the watch. It started ticking. but barely. The arc of motion was 90 degrees at best. I checked to see if hairspring or anything was binding but could find nothing. Finally took it apart, cleaned, reassembled, and oiled it, checking train and pallet action along the way. Everything was moving smooth through the pallet but when I reinstalled the balance I got the same feeble motion so I deduced it must be a problem in the balance assembley, but what? After much "head-scratching" I de-magnetized the balance and hairspring. I thought I was onto something when the balance literally jumped on the demagnetizer (hairspring recoil). I reinstalled the balance and she started fluttering like a hummingbird`s wings. Watch is right on time after about three hours. So if your motion is slow it just might be magnetism!

Posts: 359 | Location: Lexington, South Carolina USA | Registered: July 28, 2003
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