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Watch makers repair kit "Click" to Login or Register 
Good afternoon all.
I believe this is just a silly little thing, but I thought people here might enjoy it and shed a little light on it as well. I'm attaching a few pictures of something that was found at a garage sale. It was labeled as a Watch Makers Repair Kit.I thought if anyone would know what these things are, it would be the ever-knowledgable folks here!

Posts: 260 | Location: Worthington, Ohio in the USA | Registered: December 20, 2005
Here is a close up of the little vials in the kit. They appear to have itty bitty tiny little rings in each of them but I'm not brave enough to uncork them and check for fear of losing them!

Posts: 260 | Location: Worthington, Ohio in the USA | Registered: December 20, 2005
Here are the "tools" that were stuffed into the little kit. The kind of striped piece in the bottom right corner appears to be a stone of some sort. Marble? I don't know. The little bag in the upper right corner has several little metal pieces in it. I took one out and that is what is laying right under the bag. I have a close up of the little pill looking thing in the upper left side.

Posts: 260 | Location: Worthington, Ohio in the USA | Registered: December 20, 2005
This is the last image that I have. This thing looks like it could have been the shell from an asprin "capsule". Very brittle, thin plastic. It is filled with even tinier sharp metal pieces. I needed a pair of tweezers just to pick them up and put them back inside! And there we go. Just wondering what you folks would think of what we found.

Posts: 260 | Location: Worthington, Ohio in the USA | Registered: December 20, 2005
The small rings of your first closeup picture are likely timing washers. They go under the heads of the screws on the balance to increase the weight. A clue is words about number of minutes on the labels.

Your last picture might be hairspring studs.

The middle column of your third picture is mainly oilers of several styles. The left column looks to be pegwood. Other items are too small for me to be sure.
Posts: 222 | Location: Alabama in the USA | Registered: June 12, 2011
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