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Repairing a cap jewel Q "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Dan Ravenna
Hi All!

I have just joined this chapter!

So here is my question. Occasionally, I run into a cap jewel that is loose in the gold setting. Since I typically will find this in any area except the escapement, I put it back on and hope that the seating of it against the olive jewel will minimize the movement. Mostly, these are not RRG watches. So to be honest, it does not look like the timekeeping has been affected.

The next time I run into a loose cap jewel, what is the accepted method of fixing it in place?

Thanks in advance!

Posts: 9 | Location: Roswell, Georgia USA | Registered: April 24, 2003
<Doug Sinclair>

Ideally, the cap jewel should not touch the hole jewel. A tiny amount of space between the two jewels is necessary for proper oiling. I would suggest you keep your eyes peeled for a Seitz jewelling (Canadian eh?) tool, and learn how to use it to tighten these jewels. If you haven't had a problem, it is likely because the jewels haven't been extremely loose.

Doug S.
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