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Balance Wheel Spin verses Speed of the Watch "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Within my collection I have a Rockford 655 wind indicator that has very vigorous motion to the balance wheel, and yet the watch loses about 5 to 6 minutes in 24 hours. I also have a same size Illinois watch whose balance wheel is extremely lathargic, and yet the watch is spot on with its timekeeping. Is the reason for this because the fast balance is making a longer stroke and therefore wouldn't come back and hit the palate fork as soon as the slow balance, thus letting down the power through the escapement at a slower rate? This has had me puzzled for quite some time and I am hoping some of you experienced watchmakers can provide comment.
Posts: 718 | Location: Upstate New York in the USA | Registered: November 21, 2008

reasons for a watch loosing 6 minutes per day can be many and it would need first a good overhaul/cleaning before accounting the balance assy for such ''retard''...then a poising/check of the balance wheel would be needed and after that the count of alternances per minute should be made to check if the balance assy is in ''tune'' in your watch.
If the alternances arent the ones required you should work either on hairspring (shorten) or on the screws (tight them in)...

Posts: 285 | Location: Rome, Italy | Registered: May 19, 2005
IHC Life Member
Enzo, Thanks for your reply...very interesting. Hey, I haven't been to Rome since 1967 as a young man in the Navy. Ever hear of a place called the Piper Club?
Posts: 718 | Location: Upstate New York in the USA | Registered: November 21, 2008
Hey Bruce,

maybe other Members will add more...So you were in Rome in '67, at the Piper Club....it is still there and open, maybe we met there at the time and...is this meaning that we swinging youth became watchmakers with the age ??? Big Grin
Hope to see you sometime over here... Wink

Posts: 285 | Location: Rome, Italy | Registered: May 19, 2005
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