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What is the beat rate for an Ingersol Midget? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1736
I have a midget running slow... I cleaned and oiled it and am going back together.

It is running at a pretty consistent 14,350bph... I don't know if that puts me close enough to go back together...

18,000 doesn't appear to be the target.
Posts: 2032 | Location: San Diego, California in the USA | Registered: August 30, 2012
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Certified Watchmaker
Picture of Chris Abell

If you want to have some fun and good practice,
count the teeth on the gears and pinions, you know the center wheel rotates once a hour, so you can work out from there.
Posts: 2625 | Location: Northeast Texas in the USA | Registered: November 20, 2003
IHC Member 1736
Thank you Chris, I already had it back together and was looking for a short cut. And, I found it.

As luck would have it, I had bought another for parts but found it to be in such good condition I didn't have the heart to tear it down. It ended up in my personal collection.

I ran this mint watch on the timer and against a stop watch for an hour and it turns out to be a spot on time keeper at 14,350 bph...

The one I restored came in at 14,350 with the regulator center position after the COA... which I am immensely grateful for... because the only way to adjust these is to mess with the pinned hair spring.

Sometimes, better lucky than good!
Posts: 2032 | Location: San Diego, California in the USA | Registered: August 30, 2012
IHC Member 1736
For such a simple watch, they actually have some merit. This was a family heirloom restoration. This watch was carried and provided good service for a lot of years.

The original was beyond restoration, but I was able to find an exact replacement with low miles and a minor hair spring issue... The surrogate came back to life with a minimal effort after I figured out how to "unsister" the two outer coils.
Posts: 2032 | Location: San Diego, California in the USA | Registered: August 30, 2012
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