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The slip of a hand "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
A recent wristwatch purchase unfolded an interesting problem I've not seen before.

The watch can be set, wound and runs great in an upright position. When I wear the watch, the hour hand "slips" for a lack of a better word, showing a different time. Easy fix? What does it entail?

Stephanie O'Neil

Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
I would hazard a guess as maybe the hand(s)need tightening or the canon pinion may be loose and need to be tightend.

Good Luck,
Posts: 8 | Location: Sanford, North Carolina USA | Registered: April 19, 2006
Perhaps the hour wheel slips out of gear because a dial washer is missing to hold it in place. If there is enough space behind the dial I should think that would happen quite easily... especially swinging around on your wrist. Also, if the watch were laying flat, it might operate normally because the hour wheel would re-engage, by its own weight, into the proper position (meaning the hour hand would start functioning normally though probably at the incorrect time).

If that is the problem, then a simple installation of a new dial washer over the hour wheel will solve the problem. All you would have to do is remove the hands and dial, put it in, then reattach the dial/hands. So, yes... an easy fix if I'm correct.

I hope you post what the problem is when you find it. It would be interesting to find out for sure.

Posts: 95 | Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida USA | Registered: January 16, 2006
Picture of Brian C.
My Guess is, the hand needs to be tightened.
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
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