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Fixing Bezel threads on 18s pocket watch case "Click" to Login or Register 
I have a Waltham 18s pocket watch case that has seen some rough time, but is generally quite serviceable. When I got it, it was impossible to unscrew the bezel, but I worked out that issue and got the bezel off. Now I am looking for advice about how to get the threads cleaned up so the bezel will screw on and off nicely. I have done my best to clean things up, as well as inspected for damage (none is obvious). It oughta work, but after maybe a turn and a half starts to get really tight.
Posts: 61 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: January 07, 2013
IHC Member 1555
Hi Tom,
It may pay to check the serial numbers on the case body and the bezel to make sure they are the same. Thats if you haven't already done so.

Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
Thanks for the tip. With the watch in hand right now I see the back (which screws on nicely) marked "Fahys Bristol 25 years 8539235".
And, now I have the movement out of the case -- the case is marked with:

//\ // /// V (which I interpret as 3235)

The bezel has similar marks:

//\ // /// \/ (again, looks like 3235)

Now maybe there is something about the "//\"
marking that I don't know about that makes it
a "9", but at least the case and bezel marks
Posts: 61 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: January 07, 2013
IHC Member 1555
looks like all the case parts are correct, sometimes people have used a bezel or back from another case and even though they look similar the threads are not matched thus making it tight to fit. I remember reading a post not that long ago where members discussed the best way to fix this issue, if you do a search you will probably find that forum discussion.

Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
I see in another thread that some people recommend using a bit of water soluble valve grinding compound from an auto parts store. With the movement out of the case, put a bit of this on the threads and then spend 20 minutes working the bezel back and forth on the case.

I am going to see if I can pick some of this up and give it a try.
Posts: 61 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: January 07, 2013
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