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Problem getting winding stem back in Hamilton 12S case "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Chris Schirren
Hi everyone. Unfortunately I usually take watches apart to the last screw, now I've got a problem: I did what I do with 16S RR cases, pull the winding stem out to the inside, clean and grease and then back in from the outside. Did the same thing on the 12S but when pushing it in, the stem went right through it and I heard two parts bouncing on the floor. I hope it was only two (see picture), one
sleeve is still in th case. So do I put the sleeve ono the stem (how???) and then the whole thing into the case? From which side? Can anyone help me please? THANKS!/Chris.

Posts: 58 | Location: Hamburg, Germany | Registered: September 02, 2005
You might want to look at one of John Duvall's tutorials, the Stem and Sleeve Assembly. He has a nice step-by-step slide show. I don't know what parts broke or fell out of your assembly, but you can usually push the stem in from the "inside" (while the sleeve is out of the pendant). Then you can screw the sleeve and stem into the pendant from the outside using a sleeve wrench. If what I've said is unclear, let us know here; an expert will surely help out.
Posts: 156 | Location: O'Fallon, Illinois U.S.A. | Registered: September 03, 2004
Picture of Chris Schirren
Thanks Peter, John's slide is excellent. Was trying to avoid to get the sleeve out of the case, have 2 sleeve wrenches, American and Swiss, usually none of them fit...but will see what happens.

Posts: 58 | Location: Hamburg, Germany | Registered: September 02, 2005
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