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cleaning watches "Click" to Login or Register 
I am cleaning a watch for a freind of mine.Someone sprayed a very sticky substance on the movement.it gummed the watch up and it does not run.I stripped the watch and soaked it in isopropl alcohol for a day and also soaked it in naptha for a day and also ran it through my watch cleaning machine which is amoniated.None of these have much affect on this sticky stuff.I have been scraping it off with a pithwood stick, sharpened on the end.
I am not sure but it may be silicone, just a guess.
I am not a happy camper when i see someone do this to a movement.Just makes a big mess. Red Face
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
Hi, This may be off the wall, but how about trying "Goo Gone" Solvent. I doubt it would hurt anything, and it might disolve the goo you have. Art
Posts: 29 | Location: Pulaski, New York U.S.A. | Registered: March 15, 2004
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