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hamilton 916 "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Frank Juchniewicz
I'm stuck.When I wind-up the movement nothing happens,as far as starting to run goes.When I loosen one of the barrel plate screws(one closest to the train bridge) the watch starts running.Am I looking for a bent pivot? I am learning as I go.More than likley, I am missing something you more knowledgeable people know of the problems of these movements. I would appreciate some advice on
how to proceed with this movement. Thank you for any advice.


Frank Juchniewicz
Posts: 440 | Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: January 28, 2003
<Doug Sinclair>

You don't give a lot of details about the condition of the watch and how far into it you have been. It almost sounds to me as though the barrel cover has come off the barrel. Many Hamiltons have a "T" end on the mainspring. Many of the aftermarket Swiss springs may have a "T" that is too long and sticks out the hole in the cover and in the barrel. That could be binding on the barrel bridge and the pillar plate. Also, look to be sure that there isn't a screw protruding through the pillar plate from the front that is too long and dragging on the barrel. Or possibly a replacement mainspring that is too wide, holding the cover off a bit. Let us know what you find.

Doug S.
Picture of Frank Juchniewicz
First, I would like to thank Doug for his help.The problem was as he stated,namely thaat the Main spring cover was not seated all the way down where the "T" of the main spring protrudes up. I have seated it properly and now the movement runs great. The movement was purchased "as-is"at a local clock parts shop. The movement was bought to practice on. I dis-assembled it,cleaned,oiled,and checked for any broken pivots,jewels,or wheel teeth.Re-assembled it and thats where the problem showed-up.Thanks again Doug.


"Many heads are better then one"

Frank Juchniewicz
Posts: 440 | Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: January 28, 2003
<Doug Sinclair>

Glad to help. Thanks for the reply.

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