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1907 992... single roller staff w/double roller pallet fork? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1736
Help me out here. I took this watch in trade. It is Serial Number: 387448 Which I believe crosses to a 4 foot unmarked Hamilton 992.

I have no way to know if it is supposed to be single or double roller.

My experience with single roller pallets is that they have a single pin going vertical to catch the notch in the roller plate in front of the roller jewel.

And, that double roller pallet forks look like the one pictured here.

So far, I think I have a mismatch of single and double roller parts coming out of this watch and have no idea how to recover.

Thanks a mil, Paul-T

Posts: 2032 | Location: San Diego, California in the USA | Registered: August 30, 2012
IHC Member 1555
Hi Paul,

This watch should have a double roller staff & roller table, pallet fork is correct.

Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
IHC Member 1736
Thanks Bila,

That is what my gut said too... but for some reason I had a lingering notion that I had read somewhere that some of the early runs were released as single roller.

On closer inspection, the balance assembly including the balance cock is s/n 326976 which crosses over to a 1905 model 974...

I didn't even know it was possible to stuff a single roller assy in to a double roller watch and make it run.

R/Paul T
Posts: 2032 | Location: San Diego, California in the USA | Registered: August 30, 2012
IHC Member 1555
You have read correctly Paul, some of the earlier runs were single roller, but the one you have was definately double roller.

Cheers Smile
Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
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