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Hamilton 940 SR balance staff. "Click" to Login or Register 
Hello all.

This is my first post since joining your site, and after perusing it for a little bit, it looks like I came to the right place.

For a little background about myself, I have been working on and off with a mentor for the past few years and can with confidence do basic overhaul/cleaning on American pocket watches. I have only attempted one staff up until this point (and did not realize how easily a hairspring collet can be spread). Glad I was working on a parts watch as suggested.

I have a Hamilton 940 with the single roller balance in it, and through EVERY fault of my own, it sadly hit the floor the other day. After removing the balance assembly from the watch, it was pretty clear under the loupe that one pivot was gone. Jewels seem OK.

I have a copy of the staff interchange guide since it seems to list both OEM MFG materials the equivalent interchange and and as was able to ID (I thought) the correct staff for it and purchased via everyone's "favorite" auction site. I can post the details later after I confirm them, but it was one of two Hamilton spec'd staffs... either LC or SC. I have a few macro pics also.

After staking the bad staff out, two things became obvious... this balance had been apart before, and the staff that was removed was different than the new one I had ordered.

Before I try to install the new staff, I wanted to reach out and get some opinions on this.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Posts: 16 | Location: New Hampshire in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2014
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
Paul it should use the # 127 staff that fits all the hamilton 18 size movements as far as i know made both in small and large collet.
try www.dashto.com he will have what you need if he don,t i should have one.
Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
Hi Samie.
Sorry for the delayed response. I have some new cooking knives (santoku) and one required me to take a few weeks away from the bench. I have uploaded a photo of the balance right before I removed the broken staff. As you can see, the wheel is pretty beat up. Should I just look for a new balance instead?

Posts: 16 | Location: New Hampshire in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2014
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
Paul looks like someone has tried too close the hole, more than likley the hole has been enlarged by knocking out the staff..Try a staff first before you get another balance ,,if the staff is real loose in the hole you may not be able too rivet it back tight or true.. if everthing is correct the staff should fit sung into the balance wheel before you rivet it in place.
Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
Hi Samie. I think this repair considering the wheel condition is beyond my novice skills... Is there an area on the forum where I can find someone who would be willing to do the repair? Or is that not permitted?
Posts: 16 | Location: New Hampshire in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2014
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
Paul sure asking is fine. several good watchmakers here ,,if you need help i can help you out

email me: samie348@windstream.net

Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
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