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crystal replacement "Click" to Login or Register 
I would like to replace a crystal in a sz 12 illinois watch.I was wondering what dimensions do i need to give to buy a new one, dia of crystal and inside of bezel ?
Also for a dress type watch like this should i go for glass or acrylic?
I know there is a special cement used to put these in with after.
Thanks again
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
Picture of Wayne C. Anderson
I always measure the opening to determine the size of glass crystal needed, but still have to hand fit most sizes. A good fitted crystal should not require any cement to keep it in place. I have sent several bezels to S. LaRose Inc. who installed the crystal for me and did an excellent fit. They have a web site if you need more information.

[This message was edited by Wayne C. Anderson on June 14, 2003 at 7:29.]

Posts: 886 | Location: Nebraska, in the U.S.A. Heartland | Registered: November 22, 2002
Just wondering how expensive or difficult is it for a beginner?
Is it easy to botch up and just better to get someone else to do it.
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
I think Wayne has given you some excellent advice in his reply. Here is the link to SLAROSE.


Here you will find the phone number to ask your questions. They will tell you how to send your bezel to them for crystal replacement. They do great work at a good price.
This is a great alternative for crystal replacement if you don't have a cabinet full of crystals to choose from. They can be pretty tricky if they aren't just the right size. They get expensive when you break a few and try to find replacements. I leave my crystal replacements to the professionals. Be sure to specify that you want glass replacements and not plastic.
Good luck!

Phil Dellinger
NAWCC# 157070
IHC Life Member (L12)
Posts: 993 | Registered: November 22, 2002
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