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Vibrograf b100 timning machine ((help)) "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
i have a b100 timning machine and the paper will not move ,it is still picking up the beat of the watch but the paper will not move..does anyone have a schematic on these machines they could scan for me,or a book they would be willing to sale.. Smile
Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
Picture of Brian C.
I have a B200 that has the same problem. I've had this machine for years and this problem just happened. It will be interesting to see if someone has an idea what might be the trouble.
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
IHC Member 229
Hmmm....I have a TICKOPRINT STANDARD 2....same problem....anybody have a wiring diagram?
Posts: 148 | Location: Somerville, New Jersey USA | Registered: November 28, 2002
Picture of Frank Juchniewicz
Has anybody checked to see if the rubber roller that pulls the paper through is turning. If it is, and there is no tensioon adjustment for the roller, then maybe the rubber roller has hardend over the years, and is no longer grabbing the paper, and pulling it through. I have both a L&R and a Greiner machine that use a rubber roller to fed the paper through.

Both rollers are gear driven.

Posts: 440 | Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: January 28, 2003
Picture of Brian C.
On my B200, when I lift up the front cover, I see a plastic gear and a metal worm gear. All gears turn freely by hand but not under power. On the right side, there is a fuse and that checks ok.
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
IHC Life Member
Don't know if this applies to the B-100, but on a B-200(A) my literature suggests the following.

If the paper ceases to feed while in the "auto" position, then put the slide switch to the "manual" side, and use the "control-key" to start, and stop the paper, as you hear the "beats".

Sounds like a "check" to see if the one board is operative, you just won't have the "auto" feature. And, some testing on watches is done in the "manual" position anyway. So, it doesn't hurt to use it in maual.

And, I would suppose that if it doesn't play fair in manual, then the folks at (516)437-8700 would be glad to hear from you!
Posts: 6 | Location: Tatum, Texas USA | Registered: February 10, 2006
Picture of Brian C.
I found the slide switch but where is the control key? Who are the folks at that telephone number?
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
IHC Life Member

The "control-key" is the push switch on the front of the machine, right next to the light.
You have to push it to start, and push it again to stop the paper, after hearing the "beat".

Kind of a bother, especially if your used to the "auto" feature. But, if it doesn't work in "manual" - then, according to the literature, the card associated with making the paper feed is in need of repair.
The literature/manual isn't very clear about what all is going on....as it sounds like the "manual" way of doing things is a "check", and a way to operate the machine for some watches - but, then you already know that there is a problem......anyway.......!

And, there is no schematic in the manual.

The phone number is for Vibrograf - in New York.
I've had them repair my B200 in the past after I got tired of messing around with it, and realizing that I wasn't up to that task!

Since then, Tom Mister at DashTo gave me the name of the person he uses for such repairs.

(good address about 2 yrs. ago) Dale Sutton

I purchased a copy of a WT manual from Dale about 2 years ago, and I would assume that he has copies of other manuals as well.
Real pleasant person to do business with.

Anyway, hope this all helps!!

Posts: 6 | Location: Tatum, Texas USA | Registered: February 10, 2006
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
Thanks Paul for the info. i will se if it works on my old machine.. Smile
Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
<Andy Slade>
I know this may be a little late, but I have recently repaired a B100 for a friend. The repair included rewinding the mains transformer, which changed voltage levels on the tubes. I then had to re-tune the oscillators for which I needed a schematic diagram. I also had no luck with any source, so resorted in 'reverse engineering' the machine and deducing exactly how it worked. As a result of this, I have a schematic, transformer and tuning information. I can forward this as a pdf file to anyone who wants it.
IHC Member 229
This valuable info is much appreciated,....ctonyzee@netlabs.net
Posts: 148 | Location: Somerville, New Jersey USA | Registered: November 28, 2002
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
Thanks for offering this i would love to have a copy.. Smile samie348@alltel.net
Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
IHC Life Member
What is the difference between the B200 and B200A
Vibrograf timers.

I understand these machines use a synchronous motor, driven by a signal derived from the oscillator - so if motor does not run it could be a fault in either motor or driving circuit.

Posts: 423 | Location: West Walton, United Kingdom | Registered: November 16, 2005
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