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Old Gruen Watch Still Slow After Moving To Maximum "F' Position? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Mark Nathanson
I have an old Gruen watch. Moved the part that controls speed to maximum point. It still runs fast. Any solutions? Advice apprecaited, thanks.
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
If the watch is running fast regardless of the position of the regulator, it's probably going to be an issue with the hairspring. A coil could be caught in the regulator pins, or some coils might be sticking together due to oil or magnetism. If you don't work on watches, don't try to play with the hairpspring. You should get it looked at by someone who works on watches. Regards! David
Posts: 58 | Location: Dripping Springs, Texas U.S.A. | Registered: September 29, 2004
Picture of Mark Nathanson
Thanks. I wanted to see if I could do anything. I will have it looked at.
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
Picture of Chris Schirren
Hi Mark!
1.) If it does not react at all, may be the hairspring is not it the upside-down "V" of the regulator so it has no effect on the length of the hairspring.
2.) You can influence the effect of that "V" by widening it just a bit (careful if you are not sure what you are doing!)
3.) If it runs too fast, how is the amplitude, should be 230-260 degrees, if it is a lot less there is you problem (balance stem, hairspring itself)
4.) Magentism (not sure whether that makes it fast or slow, who is???)

Otherwise agree with David, have an expert fix it. hairsprings are extremely sensitive, moreso Breguet hairsprings.

Good luck and if everything fails, get yourself a nice Hamilton Wink

Posts: 58 | Location: Hamburg, Germany | Registered: September 02, 2005
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