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time it takes for a COA. "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Todd Verriere
hi everyone,
todd here,
the other day on another site two guys were bragging about the care and time they put into a COA.
the first guy said he was very thorough and it took him 3 hours.
the second guy bragged he was so thorough it took him 5 hours.
and i thought to myself, "hmm"
i take so many pics and am so careful that i can put the bloody thing back together again..
a COA takes me a week!
I WIN!!!
newbie humor.
Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
Todd, It didn't take that long to make the watch !
Just kidding ...... What ever it takes to do it
right is the way to go.
Posts: 352 | Location: Southeast Michigan in the USA | Registered: March 22, 2012
Picture of Todd Verriere
hi Jack,
i am still amazed by the idea that i can take a watch apart and put it back together.
Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
A machine that remains in working condition after operating at 5 cycles a second for often over 50 years of it's 100 year lifetime requires careful disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair or replacement of worn, broken and often wrongly used parts. Then it requires careful lubrication, testing of friction-free operation at several stages of assembly, final assembly, calibration, re-testing, breakin timing runs, re-testing and then certification for accuracy.

If anybody doing this is "looking at the clock", I suggest you find a different watch maker.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
IHC Life Member
Picture of Patrick Wallin
Todd, If everything gos perfect I can do one in 6 hours but that is far from my average. I have spent three days doing one. It's just whatever you have to do to make it right. Most don't know if it's right or not with out a timegrapher.
Posts: 1732 | Location: Enumclaw, Washington in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2011
Picture of Todd Verriere
hi guys,
i really don't care how long it takes me.
i have so much fun doing it why would i rush?
for me it is like an adventure.
taking a non-runner and bringing it to life feels so good.
i have almost all the parts to fix the deuber movement i bought from you Patrick.
that is going to be fun!!
thanks everyone
Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
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