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watch case plating "Click" to Login or Register 
Wristwatch Expert

does anyone here do watch case plating? Or know of anyone who does? These would be wrist watch cases. Mostly white gold filled or chrome plated. I usually have these plated first in nickel, then rhodium. Gives a nice "silvery" finish, and very durable. I have a company that does these, but lately they have become very "picky" about which ones they will do, and which ones they won't. Mostly, the issue seems to be they don't want to put in the time "prepping" these cases, that is buffing them smooth so the plating will "take" and end up with a nice smooth surface. Does anyone do this or know someone who does? Thanks. Either reply to this thread or email to brucetime@inwave.com. Thanks very much.
Posts: 84 | Location: Evansville, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 30, 2005
At one time Frank Kusumoto was doing re-plating. You might ask him.
Posts: 331 | Location: Camarillo, California USA | Registered: May 03, 2005
I can give yuo an address in UK if thats any good
Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
I can give you an address in Belgium. I had them do a PW case in 18kt gold and it only cost 30 Euros. They were very efficient and professional.
Posts: 129 | Registered: August 07, 2007
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