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jewel / pivot size chart "Click" to Login or Register 
Does anyone have a chart that I can use to measure a pivot size vs. the metric or inch equivalent. I have a nice set of Mitutoyo calipers that I can measure accurately with but I don't know how to convert to "hole" size or "pivot" size. I need this so I can accurately order a balance staff. I can't seem to find a gauge anywhere to purchase.

Posts: 58 | Location: Dripping Springs, Texas U.S.A. | Registered: September 29, 2004
I may have answered my own question - the top measured .11mm and the bottom measured .09mm. I'm assuming that would be the pivot sizes. Now - when you order a staff they only give one pivot size - would that be the cock size hole or the bottom hole?

Thanks again,
Posts: 58 | Location: Dripping Springs, Texas U.S.A. | Registered: September 29, 2004
Oh - by the way, this is for a burlington/illinois 19j getty model 16s balance staff. If anyone knows the part number that this would be, that would be helpfull.

Posts: 58 | Location: Dripping Springs, Texas U.S.A. | Registered: September 29, 2004
Picture of Sam Williamson
I would expect that the bottom pivot is worn down to .09--unless someone modified it. Also,the lower pivot would be excessively loose in the jewel. I don't recall if any balance staffs had different pivot sizes, but if so, someone here will probably know.

Sam Williamson

Posts: 618 | Location: Northwestern Florida in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 27, 2002
Picture of Kenny Drafts
I agree with Sam. The bottom pivot is likely worn down unless the lower jewel was replaced at some time with one with a smaller hole.
The "Swigart Manual" lists two staffs for the models 4 & 5 (Getty) #47606 and #47609. Below are the dimensions of each from a chart posted some time ago by John Duvall.

Hope this helps you



Posts: 359 | Location: Lexington, South Carolina USA | Registered: July 28, 2003
Picture of Kenny Drafts
In my haste the headings in the above chart are misaligned. The last four should be shifted over to the right but since it is a gif image rather than text I can`t edit it easily.


Posts: 359 | Location: Lexington, South Carolina USA | Registered: July 28, 2003
Picture of Kenny Drafts
This diagram may make it a little clearer.



Posts: 359 | Location: Lexington, South Carolina USA | Registered: July 28, 2003
Thanks!!! Smile
Posts: 58 | Location: Dripping Springs, Texas U.S.A. | Registered: September 29, 2004
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