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Minor Dilemma... need a little advice.. "Click" to Login or Register 
I have a nice 18s 19j Model 1892 that I would like to marry to a nice swing out case.
The problem I have run into.. with the movement mounted in the swing out and seated in the case.. I have found that the set lever interferes with the case edge..
It looks like the groove for the set lever has been modified over the years for other movements.. and I'd like to ask if this is an accepted practice to gain a little extra clearance..
If I was to do it... I'd not like to find out that there is a better way then filing the case OR find out that I shouldn't have done it all together and should maybe find a different case..

here is an up close pic of what I am dealing with...

Posts: 90 | Location: South Texas in the USA | Registered: September 26, 2013
IHC Life Member
Certified Watchmaker
Picture of Chris Abell
Hi Lou,

Remove the movement and make sure the lever works correctly and not binding under dial and holds out in set position,or other problems first, if ok, put the case on a soft non marking surface (you may also want to protect the inside rear of the case, as the file my slip) and carefully file near flush with case body using a slight downward tilt on the file, be carful not to file outside the threaded ring area.
Posts: 2625 | Location: Northeast Texas in the USA | Registered: November 20, 2003
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
I see a slot already cut/filed from 8.5 minutes to 12 minutes. This should be more than "wide" enough for the set lever.

IF the slot is not deep enough for the lever then do this; Pull the lever out and put the movement back in the case and take a scribe or marks-a-lot and mark the exact location where the lever is on both sides of the slot material of the case. Then remove the movement and take a small jewelers file and begin removing just enough material where the lever won't bind whenever it is held in place by the two case screws. You will have to remove a little material at a time and try the movement in the case again until enough material is removed for the movement to screw down and the lever to clear and be operational.

Looking at your set lever which is pulled out, and I suppose you are not able to screw the movement down with the two case screws ?? If that is the problem then I notice that your set lever is only as wide as 1.5 of your dials minutes at the very most and widest point to allow for the slight "arc" in the set levers travel. The set lever has a slight curving arc upward as it is pulled out. So if you are going to do it, remember that your new cut only needs to be about 1.5 minute markers wide by looking at your dials minute markers.

If these instructions are not perfectly clear to you, then save yourself some grief and trouble and take it to your resident watchmaker.

This is not an easy chore for the novice or for someone without the correct tools. Anything that you do not feel comfortable with in doing, do not do and leave it to someone that knows what they are doing. When you remove material from a case, remember, it can't be put back in !! Only take enough out for what you need. You don't want a "Rio Grande" channel cut out for what a mere "Smally Creek" channel was needed as it will be quite unsightly !!

If you are not comfortable doing it, take it to your resident watchmaker. A job such as this by a qualified technician should be a 10 minute chore and should costs $20.

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
Thank you Chris and Buster for the advice.
The lever set on the movement works just fine when outside the case... thankfully....

And as observed .. the groove in the case is plenty wide... it looks as though it had been widened before... but it's not deep enough ...

I feel confident enough to file the groove a tad deeper.. I understand to only remove just enough material as needed...

I just wanted to make sure that filing the groove a tad deeper was an accepted practice is all...

Thank you both for the advice...

Best regards,
Posts: 90 | Location: South Texas in the USA | Registered: September 26, 2013
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